TipRanks is an investment analysis platform for US stocks with rich tools inside. It helps investors know better about their investment targets. Of all the tools, the most valuable one is the Analyst Ratings. The analysts on the platform are all coming from the top financial experts in the industry like J P Morgan, Bank of Americas, etc. Those analysts, with their professional financial knowledge, visit companies in person, have interviews or conference calls with companies’ top executives, chief accounting officers, chief financial officers, do research and make their investment reports and comments, summarize a buy, sell, or hold recommendations and a target price. Most importantly, through interviews with insiders, these analysts can know rumors ahead of the retail investors if the company will have a record high sales or profits next quarter, if the company will raise the price of their products, the change in profit margins, or if the company will get big orders from its customers. These are all leading indicators of the stock market, and a kind of insider news to obtain abnormal returns.